Photography students from Sandwell College and chefs from University College Birmingham are celebrating 30 years of working together to produce mouthwatering images.
HND and HNC photographers topped off their year in another collaborative inter-college project with UCB.
Winners of the food shoot were Elliott Smith from Sandwell College and James Moore from UCB for their delicious raspberry and vanilla mousse photograph. Second prize went to Mike Landelle from Sandwell and Callum Green from UCB for their Bakewell tart. Claire Kindley from Sandwell and Sophie Francis from UCB took third prize for their image of a Swiss roll. Chris Vassilas representing Sandwell and Peter Waltham representing UCB were awarded Highly Commended by the judges for their layered fruit trifle.
The students were paired into teams, with UCB students preparing a presentation recipe and Sandwell students photographing the results. Each team worked together to research, plan and produce a professional-standard photo of their final dish.
Professional food photographer Marie Hill and food stylist Nicola Wilde decided on the winning images and provided feedback. Prizes were awarded to the top teams by Sandwell College photography lecturer Ian Fletcher and UCB food studies lecturer Mandy Lloyd.
The celebration was tinged with sadness as unbeknown to the independent judges, photographer Chris Vassilas had died suddenly just before the end of the project. Chris and his UCB partner had already submitted their result.
The judges awarded Chris and Peter highly commended for their image.
Lecturer Ian Fletcher said: “We felt this was a touching tribute to Chris.”