Art & Construction students from Sandwell College have used their creative skills to transform the fracture clinic at Sandwell Hospital.
The learners have turned a ‘drab and depressing’ waiting area into an eye-catching family-friendly space for patients.
Jill Fraser, CEO of Kissing it Better, the healthcare charity coordinating the project, says: “The hospital waiting experience can often be boring and stressful. Students have given families visiting Sandwell Hospital’s fracture clinic the gift of an enchanting and uplifting waiting experience.”
Students took on the challenge as part of their Community Arts module. The clinic had no natural light, so they designed a mural featuring large windows depicting scenes of Sandwell’s multicultural communities.
Art student Jessica Moreira said: “This project will make a real difference to patients. There are no windows in the reception area, so we wanted to paint windows onto the walls, giving people the feeling that they can see something beyond the clinic.”
Art & Design and Photography lecturer, Helen Sweeting, added: “It’s been a great opportunity for students to engage with the community, hone their skills, and develop an idea, which will also help them in their future careers as artists.”