Congratulations to our first ever professional hair and beauty competition winners!
Thank you to our external judges from the National Hairdressers Federation and Matrix Hair who selected our winners, and to Head Judge Mark Corey who kindly supported Hairdressing lecturer Dawn Humphries with the event set up.
Dawn, who has organised students’ involvement in all external competitions with the NHF for the past 18 years, said: “We have had good results in previous years, and now that the competitions are part of the curriculum for some courses, we decided to hold an internal competition. It was great to see everyone taking part, and well done to all our winners.”
The photo above shows Niall McNulty from Matrix Hair, Level 3 Hair Technical Certificate Group Winner Vizdhana Sotarova and her model, and Mark Corey from the National Hairdressers Federation.
Photograph by HNC student Syeda Aisha Abuzar.