Award-winning student Keyron Facey-Price has been called up for the Association of Colleges Sport National Student Management Team (NSMT). The final team was selected from many applications, against a tough assessment process.
This is the first AoC Sport NSMT, following the merger of the TEAM NINETEEN NSMT and the Lead Further National Youth Council to form a single representative student body for college sport. Keyron will be involved in leading events at outstanding venues, and will have the opportunity to impact on decision-making in further education sport and make a real difference in a range of sports both locally and nationally.
The sports student will also be involved in leading the annual TEAM NINETEEN National Festival at the national football centre, St George’s Park.
Keyron was recently awarded the Black Country Inspirational Sports Student of the Year 2014 by the AoC and was a West Midlands regional finalist.