About GCSE Courses & Functional Skills
Our GCSE courses tutors have a fantastic track record of helping our students achieve their dream careers!
- Our results for resit GCSEs are higher than the national average
- Enthusiastic specialist teachers will teach you throughout the year, who are determined to get you that pass!
- Our Functional Skills results are 16% higher than the national average
- You’ll also improve your skills through your main programme of study with the support of your lecturers
- All of our study programmes include English and Maths
- We’re number 1 in the UK for our student cohort size
GCSEs in English and Maths at 4-9 or A* – C ? > Continue to study English and Maths – No need to take another exam
GCSEs in English and Maths at 3 or D? > Resit your GCSEs at college
GCSEs in English and Maths at 1/2 or E/F/G? > Study Functional Skills until you reach Level 1 > Take GCSE English and Maths
“My English & Maths GCSE courses have prepared me for my future and are considered a priority for qualifications. My teachers have helped me to achieve goals. One of the greatest things I have experienced in life was to attend a college where I have received quality education.” Gisela, Art & Design
“Maths is now my best friend!” Michael, Health & Social Care
“Passing GCSE English meant I could get into Brunel University to study Aviation Engineering.” Maya, Engineering